Who doesn’t want to start a podcast with their best friend? And one where you get to talk about your favourite subject…
For Chris, it’s all things A Course in Miracles. This has been hands down the best personal development and spiritual course Chris has studied. After asking some deep questions around the meaning of life after her Dad passed, and being obsessed with all things the law of attraction…she was led to this!
The Podcast on all things A Course in Miracles
I’ve had many clients and friends wanting to study this Course, but find it wordy and a little tough to understand. I get it and was there too. It took me four years to read the text the first time through!
Amy and I used to air our grievances on our beach walks....and on the way back we would "Course in Miracles" it and apply the course to gain a better perspective and to be able to let things go.
Our intention with this podcast, is to help simplify the Course for those who want to bring more peace and miracles into their lives, as the concepts can be heavy even though they really come back to one simple truth to apply over-and-over. We share how we apply it to real life and hope you enjoy it as much as we love creating it.
~ Chris xox
“I love you guys!”
This is one of the only podcasts I listen to! I love it and can't wait for it to "drop" each week!
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